Sunday, October 21, 2007

Red River

Well last weekend we went to red river with my dad to go and play with the jeeps before winter. Do to Justin and I thinking that we knew were we were going, as in I thought he knew the way; we finallly make it after a long trip. It was so cold, but yet so pretty. We had so much fun. Justin I think had the most fun, getting to see the pretty trees and being able to see on for miles.

Well here are some pics that we took.
Justin had to use the bathroom in the woods

Thursday, October 4, 2007


Thanks to Jay, Ally, and Camden

Justin and I just wanted to say thank you for letting us be a part of Camden's First Birth Day. We had so much fun getting to watch her on her big day. We can't believe how big she has gotten.

Here are some of the pictures that I took that weekend.