Friday, December 7, 2007

Crazy Few Months

Well since we haven't updated in a while things have been good but crazy. In October my bubbas best friend got married. It was really hard to see every one of his friends there and not him. But it was harder to watch him get married nowing that my bubbas isn't ever going to get to do that. But it was good at the same time. LeRoy has filled something that no one has came close to. (As in a brother) He has been there for everything this pasted year with me and my family. And we were so happy that we also got to welcome Tiffany into our family also. I couldn't have asked for a better sister-in-law than her.

In Novmber, We got to spend THANKS GIVING with Justins family. It was great because it was my frist Thinks Giving with them since I have joined the family. During that time we also got our first snow. It was Great. Nothing much has been going on with us since then, other than Justin and I got to welcome our new nephew to the family. Gage Wiley Chitwood was born Nov. 25th . As soon as I get my pics back I will post them .

Sunday, October 21, 2007

Red River

Well last weekend we went to red river with my dad to go and play with the jeeps before winter. Do to Justin and I thinking that we knew were we were going, as in I thought he knew the way; we finallly make it after a long trip. It was so cold, but yet so pretty. We had so much fun. Justin I think had the most fun, getting to see the pretty trees and being able to see on for miles.

Well here are some pics that we took.
Justin had to use the bathroom in the woods

Thursday, October 4, 2007


Thanks to Jay, Ally, and Camden

Justin and I just wanted to say thank you for letting us be a part of Camden's First Birth Day. We had so much fun getting to watch her on her big day. We can't believe how big she has gotten.

Here are some of the pictures that I took that weekend.

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

One year

Well this pasted weekend Justin and I went to see my parents for my bubba's one year. It was a different weekend. Who would have ever thought that something like that was going to happen to my family but it did. The weekend was okay, my parents took it okay better than I thought that they would have. My mom did her thing and so did my dad. Its so hard to watch the ones that you love so much go through it all over again. Hopefully it will get easier with time. But other than that things have been going good with Justin and I. I started back to school and Justin is still loving his new job. Hopefully I will be getting so more wedding pic here pretty soon.

Sunday, August 12, 2007


The honey moon was so much fun. I can't wait for us to be able to go back some day. We got to explore so many neat and different things, that it was just unreal. On our first day there we didn't really do much, just different things that they had going on at sandals. The next few days were pretty busy with all of the things that we did. We went floating down the river two days doing different things, such as, tubing one day and kayaking - canoping the next. Our last day in Jamaica, such a sad day we both didn't want to leave; but we went shopping and to the Duns River Falls. The whole trip was such an experience that we will never forget.

Mr. & Mrs. Justin C Ocheskey!!!!!!!!!!!

Sorry that it has been so long since i have last blogged but things have been so crazy.

Any wayz as you know we are finally married. YAY!!!!!!!!!!! Not trying to brag or anything but our wedding was sooo much fun. I am so happy that we didn't elope after all. The wedding was better thatn I ever dreamed of. I am so greatful to my parents for giving me such a beautiful wedding and to Justins parents for such a nice rehersal dinner. Justin and I both just wished that we could have spent more time with all of the family that had travelled so far for the two of us. We really do apperciate it very much. Sorry that there isn't many pic but I don't have all of them yet but when i get them i will post them.

Monday, June 18, 2007

Our New HOUSE!!!

Well the weekend before last we moved in to my brothers house in Amarillo TX. Both my parents and Justin's helped us move in to our new home. We are still so excited to be in a house. I love it because I got my own washer and dryer now and Justin loves it because he has a garage to park in. After we moved in Justin was off work for a week to help get the house the way we want it or should I say the way that I wanted it. There are still things that need to be done but we are having to wait on other people or it would already be done. This week we are getting our new bed and Most importantly our front yard is being put in this week. So our yard isn't going to be the ugliest anymore.

Moving out of the Apartment (People wanted to know if this stuff was for sale)

All of this stuff was in a one bedroom apartment and when we got it to the house it looked as though we move from house to house

This past weekend we went to my parents for Fathers day weekend but while we where there their was a carnival in Dumas called Doggie Days. Its something that the whole town does. It was fun getting to go to that because the food is the best part about the whole thing. Doggie Days is known for its Roster eggs. They are biscuits that are fried and then rolled in Cinnamon and sugar. Over all it was a great weekend

(Taken At Doggie Days)

Thursday, June 7, 2007


Well Justin and I only have one more month to go and its so crazy still. Trying to move this weekend and still having to get the last of the wedding things together. But we are both so ready for it to be over with so we can have fun being married. I know that i am so happy to be making this HUGE step in my life and that i am going to be making it with Justin. Still can't get it out of my head that we have one month. SO Crazy.

Sunday, June 3, 2007


Well Justin got the job!!!! So we are going to be moving on Saturday to our house in Amarillo TX Its the house that my brother left us. We can't wait to start a new life together in Amarillo and our new marriage in a few weeks. Its sometimes scary thinking about it but then it just gets really exciting to know that I am going to be marrying a wonderful man well sometimes wonderful just kidding But we both can't wait for things to settle down other than that we are doing really well

Sunday, May 20, 2007

Crazy pasted few weeks

Well the past few weeks have been really busy since i have been out of school. I've been doing nothing but wedding stuff trying to get it all done even though it seems like its never going to be over. But hopfully in a few weeks it will slow down. Justin and i both have a busy next few weeks ahead of us. This next friday we will be going to Denver City for Shannens Graduation and then i will be leaving for Dallas to go shopping for justin and i for the big Honey Moon to Jamaica Woo Hoo Other than that nothing else is really going on with us.

Wednesday, May 9, 2007


Well the last few weeks have been really crazy. We have had shower after shower it seems like but they are finally over. We first had a shower in Denver City with all of justins family and friends. It went great we got a lot of good things that we needed. Then this passed weekend we had the shower in Dumas with all of my family and friends. It was great also. We got way more than we needed.

After all the showers i stayed home with my parents for a while so i can get some things done for the wedding. Justin is in Levelland working hard still we haven't heard anything on the job yet but they did call him to let him know that it was still going to be a few more weeks and that they are interested in him so we are trying not to get our hopes up but its hard not too so we will just have to see what ends up happening

Monday, April 23, 2007

New Job!!!

This pasted weekend we were on are way to Fort Worth to see Justins family and my cousins when Justin got a call from Pioneer witch is in between Dumas and Amarillo. So today he went and met with a few people to see what all it intells. It went really well so hopefully we will hear something about it in a few days. But other than that we had a blast seeing everyone. Camden is getting soo big and Ashton is walking all over the place. She is having problems keeping up with her feet. But overall this week was Great . OH YEAH Justin pasted his CDL so we are very happy about that also. we will keep you guys up dated about the job when we hear something, so pray that he gets it.

Monday, April 16, 2007

Not much

Well not much has been going on this past week i went home to see my parents since it has been about two weeks since i have seen them. Justin stayed home this weekend to work :(. It went by pretty fast. Now we are just hoping that this week goes by fast also so we can go and see my cousins Michelle, Aaron, and miss Ashton and also we are going to see Justins brother and sister-in-law Jay, Ally, and miss Camden. We can't wait to see every one. Also Justins sister Shannen will be going with us too. Its going to be a lot of fun and we can' t wait.

Wednesday, April 11, 2007


We thought that we would give this blog stuff a try and see how we like it. I am currently a student at South Plains College for nursing that is right now but who knows what i will do. Justin is working hard like always for Lufkin. We are plainning on getting married in July, i am really busy trying to get things done. We are also trying to move sometime soon to be closer to my parents for a little while or untill i finish school.